Application for Membership
UCSC AMP accepts applications from individuals who would like to participate with department managers as AMP Members-at-Large. Individuals are selected for membership by the UCSC AMP Executive Board.
Membership is open to UCSC non-represented staff employees currently classified as (__) Assistant III - Supervisors and above. To be considered for inclusion as a Member-at-Large, interested staff must meet the following criteria:
- Report directly to an academic department chair or director/head of an academic or research unit
- Not represented by an exclusive bargaining agent
Membership selections are ongoing throughout the year. The Executive Board may consider membership exceptions on a case-by-case basis. Please provide the following information and submit the completed application by the first Monday of the month. Selected individuals will be contacted no later than three weeks after the submission date.
If you have questions about membership, please contact the AMP Executive Board.